Sigh.... tmnet broadband is killing me. I get dced like 5 times a nite regularly...gonna be end of my patience soon if they x improve their services, a certain hurricane will be shouting down the phone soon or writing to the papers to complain...quite pissed wid dem...tolerated this for the past few mths in hopes it might be a temporary prob. Unfortunately i had too much faith in certain ppl who r jus as incompetent as the services they provide....
Everytime i will be halfway chatting or jus writing a mail or surfing, it dc, irritating ness... not once, but up to more den 5 time s a nite / morning, it’s not’s all the time...ugggg!!! i dunno if they ever tasted the wrath of the likes of me! They gonna get burning ears after this...i’m sure. Oh well, at least i’m kind enough to let dem have their hols in peace, no point disrupting ppl’s hols... let dem enjoy urselves... i’m not such a killjoy...still got 1 wk for dem to prove demself innocent of the charge. Not only 5 minutes sometimes up to hr of not being to connect gain... sigh.... better not let me strangle their skinny necks, i’ve got violent tendencies... letting God take hold of the queen call Self in me n dethrone her evryday so i can keep my peace...when anger takes over, it’s gonna be “hell hath no fury....” muahahahahaha....*evil cackle*
I’m bored now...half way talking to my panda, monkey n hai zhi...connection last now can connect...
An hr later...
Oh no!!! dc gain...sigh, toking to so many ppl....ministering to one of my guy frens, think i was too aggressive scared him...he alwiz tot i was quite soft...okie, wid him la cos he’s very nice to me, x irritate me like other guyz...but this time i really gotta speak up, got serious issues dat God x overlook...jus gotta go more gently n wid God’s wisdom, realised, sometimes i can be like a hurricane, jus blow everything to bits den only i clean up after dat, not alwiz d best altho sometimes it does work...hehe, God will make a way to use this aggressive ole hurricane to blow some ppl into the rite path...jus a gentle breeze, x so ganas, scare dem n den they’ll struggle more...dat’s bad, will only hurt demselves... x struggle against God... it’s like an ant trying to lift a rock... gonna tire urself out... jus give in to God...He will help u move ur mountains... n spilt open the red seas in ur live, allow Him to... do not persist in being stubborn, i understand all about stubbornness, my area of expertise... cause me a lot of pain before i caved in.dat’s y i envy ppl like bunny n squeaks...they give in easily to God... they yield faster...jean nee will un...we r birds of the same feathers....hehe, got a stubborn head on our shoulders...
Dat’s all fer now, folks! To all u bz ppl out there...pls take a break... breathe in the freshness of God! Times of refreshing r here...Amen.