Sunday, August 27, 2006

how do we reach the hurting?

something i have been thinking bout for some time... because all around people are hurting and the thing is... they might wanna hurt alone... or to be left alone so they can think about things... they might not want me to interfere or know that they are even hurting... and somehow that makes me hesitant to reach out and comfort those who i see hurting around me... or i tentatively reach out and the moment they seem uncomfortable, i totally withdraw and not try again...because i feel, i better not make situation worse and i may not be the best person to do this at all...

how hard can this be? it is... cause i do have a heart to comfort them, to console them... to jus walk with them tru this phase of their lives, and finding myself unable or stuck in some dilemma whether i should or not... is quite disturbing...

and throughout the women's conference on friday and saturday, i felt God breaking my heart.. .again and again... you know sorta like a walnut... i needed breaking... walnut is actually quite a tough nut to crack, you could break your teeth on them, proud to announce my teeth survived the ordeal though... but that's all besides the point...basically people get a nut cracker when they wanna crack walnuts... and in me, there's this toughness that's like a walnut shell... not that i am not tenderhearted about certain things, i do become a watering pot quite often... when pastor jane was talking bout this little girl who has some rare cancer and had lost her eye and needed treatment in Canada to save her other eye and to pray for her... it totally broke my heart, she was less than 10 years old and she had to go through so much already and her father died just before she was diagnosed with this cancer and her mother was at the conference... such a brave woman... do pray for her... although i can't even remember her name...

darlene zschech spoke (that's the hillsongs lady from sdyney... she's awesome, so funny and such joy~!) about standing when all hell breaks loose... and shared parts of her life when things were tough.... the choice to stand.... when you know your mission, your purpose.... and the way she illustrated it... as if the moment you got out of bed and your feet touches the floor. the whole of hell would exclaimed ," OH NO! SHE'S AWAKE". actually that would be so awesome... to freak out all the powers of hell. she's really such a woman fo God. wake up and know why you are here on earth for... to know your mission. another point is to count the cost now. how much we have to give to complete this mission, and to expect trouble... it's not as if the devil is sleeping everyday so to expect persecution when you are living a godly life. Look at what is in your hands... what has God given you.... Joyce Meyers ( i hope i spelt that correctly) said... i am part of the body of Christ and i found i was the mouth!! (slightly paraphrase) because she felt that was what she!! and darlene shared... she was singing since she was a littl girl and she turn professional in her teens( i think so) but when she met Jesus, she stopped singing because she thought that giving her life to Jesus meant doing something that was hard. singing was too easy for her and she enjoyed it too much. that is so not true. and today she's the princess of praise. she has touched the life of millions through her song... shout to the Lord... to look at what is in your hands, whatever your gift may be.... and use it for God's glory.

super deviated from what i was originally gonna write about... the conference stuff was supposed to be in another post, but as you can see, i am quite distractible... i think i got the main stuff down anyways.... and before i go off to do some serious stusying and research...

there's something i can do for the hurting... i can pray.... if nothing else...

Dear Father,
You know those who needs this prayer right now and You are listening... You see deep in the hearts of those who are crying out to You. And in the midst of their darkness and sorrow, You are doing a good work in their lives... You are changing them for the better. Father, come and comfort them, hold them in Your loving arms until all the tears have dried. grant them strength to hope, to walk through this valley of the shadow of death... for Thy rod and Thy staff will comfort them... like a Good Shepherd bringing His sheep to still waters and green pastures... May they find rest and comfort in You. Love You, Father, in Jesus name. Amen.

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