Sunday, February 26, 2006


Formula for Fruitfulness - Dr John C. Maxwell

Jesus gives us a three-word formula for fruitfulness in John 15. These three words are the ones I want you to remember because they are the key to fruitful living. The first word is remain. Throughout John 15 Jesus tells us to remain. In fact the word abide in the original language can be translated “remain.” “Remain in Me,” Jesus says. He’s talking about our willingness to take time with Him in prayer and in study of the Word. We need to let Him begin to be part of our lives and work on our lives. The second word in the formula is receive. Jesus says in John 15 that if we remain in Him, we will begin to receive certain things. What we’ll receive is good, fruitful living.
The third word is reproduce. If we remain in Him, we’re going to receive what He has for us. When we receive what He has for us, then and only then will we begin to reproduce in our lives.

remain in Him, receive from Him, reproduce...

fruitfulness has been something i have been contending for, and still is... to have a life that is abundant and to use it to invest in something that would be of great worth and having an effect dat would produce great results.... to me, that's being be effective, to have results, to have an end goal in mind and to achieve that and far beyond.

Father, help me to have God confidence, to know You walk with me... to REMAIN in You, to RECEIVE from You and to REPRODUCE... Your are the Greatest Gardener. although i may the worst ugly, stubborn plant... i somehow believe You can work it out. *smilez*=)
Thank You Lord that You have done it all... Amen.