Friday, April 20, 2007

some days i feel like.... God, can You please remove my heart and just give me a brand new 1?

Ezekiel 36:26

26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

i wonder how many times do i need a new hear? i think more like everyday than just a once off thing. sometimes it just seems like nothing is right with my heart. so i don't even know where to start cleaning up. so i ignore watever is wrong.... it's all vague and messed up anyway.... other days, i wake up... such clarity.... i know very well what is right and wrong.... the world seems prefectly black and white... no hard decisions.... all pretty straight forward, sometimes i really wished the world isn't usch a complicated place.... can we all be programmed to wanna make the right decisions? and can it be that there are multiples right answers and multiple wrong answers? blergghhhhh.... so how would we know we have entirely made the correct decision for ourselves and others? or should we just blunder around in life and somehow hope that our judgement is sound enough to not screw up badly....

God,help!!! what happens when i don't know what exacly to do and God seems totally silent? WAIT? till when?

this is what i i try to make the most sound n logical decision based on facts, circumstances and conscience? seems simple enough. but actually think it x work that well. 1st life is illiogical. if i think bout it, if i totally believe in the supernatural God which is unexplained by science, how can what i believe in be logical? here comes FAITH..... so should i just make the decisions by FAITH that God will support me and go with me? even though it may be the most illogical way to go at that moment....

i have made tons of decisions based on something as stupid as human wisdom.... and some of them turned up alright and some screwed up..... and i have made decisions based on God's wisdom, His Word and how He has guide me.... it hasn't bunked up real bad as far as i can remember although can be pretty hard.... i think His way is probably the best way.... jus have to figure which way is He leading me too....

random thoughts....

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