lazing on my beloved sofa...being a "couch potato"....after a nice full meal, feeling kinda boneless and looking so "pink"! ug! i so hated pink when i was younger.... old age mellowed me a bit...okie, only certain shades of the blasted colour.... blue's still d best! was sorta slweepie and blur altho dun looked it...n sis dear jus has to take a photo.... din turned out so suckily after all....hehe....a slweepie and satisfied hurricane....very tame n mellow.... dat's me.... not for long tho, buddies! the hurricane will soon.....WHOooooooosSSSHHH!! go figure....
Wah, this pink peaceful hurricane's like a disaster waiting to happen. Hah, like model like that! Aiseh, at least the pink matches the pillows and couch lah so that's nice..hahaha..:) take care and God Bless...
I know what is also pink and boneless....a jellyfish.
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