Monday, November 03, 2008

4 more days before i head home to penang.... finally....

my life as a med student is over....

DR CHUA SU LING.... hehe..... i couldn't help smiling at the 1st post i received addressed as Dr.

ya, i need to get a life!!! 2 mths of hols and i'm starting my career as a doc. exciting yet scary at the same time...



Abigail Carter said...

Aww that picture is so cute!

charengiwooman said...

Various dieting、beauty, healthy is written in this blog.

Tokyo Tower(Image) changed light up in commemoration of the 50th anniversary on December 2.

In TV on December 3, 2008, many of coming foreigners seem to go to the game center and Print Club, and it plays a game crane game (UFO Catcher)(Image) popular in the game center the downtown of Tokyo. there in my country
The magazine that introduces Print Club and the game center for the foreigner is published recently.

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